
NPL Account Help

Get help with your library account and your PIN. Ask about lost items.

For questions about PINs, renewals, refunds, or lost items:

  • PIN: Library staff can reset your PIN. Call us at (615) 862-5800, or visit a library location and ask a staff member for help.
  • Renewals: Eligible items are automatically renewed by our system. Check your account to see current due dates. You can also renew items manually by using My Account or calling (615) 862-5792 to speak with Circulation staff.
  • Credit Card Refunds: If you have found and returned an item that you previously paid for using a credit card, use this form to initiate a refund. Please include the title of the item if you can. 
  • Lost Items: If a returned item is still checked out on your account, contact the branch where you returned the item. Find your branch phone number in the Library Directory.
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